
4 Trends Shaping the Automation Industry in 2023

Automation technology is changing the world in incredible ways. The way we work, the way we interact, and the way we move forward together will be fundamentally shaped by automation technology.

There is no denying that the automation industry has been facing some tough challenges over the last decade. While technology was growing at an unprecedented pace, the automation industry was plagued by slow growth and ever-changing customer needs. But this landscape is beginning to change.

2023 is the year that things will look very different. Some say that 2023 will be the year when artificial intelligence becomes more advanced than what we know as humans. Others predict that 2023 will be the year when AI becomes self-aware and knows itself. Here is what you need to understand about trends in industrial automation.

Automation Industry Overview

Automation, the automatic control of processes by machines using computer software, is a trend that has been around for decades. However, this technology has only recently become accessible to a wider audience.

This has led to a surge in popularity among consumers and businesses alike, as well as an uptick in automation industry jobs. In fact, there are more than 1 million jobs available in the United States alone at this time.

Automation is not just limited to manufacturing or industrial settings anymore—it can be used anywhere from restaurants to warehouses, from offices to retail stores. In fact, some industries (such as healthcare) are more likely to use automation than others (such as construction).

According to Grandviewresearch the industrial automation market size was valued at USD 158.63 billion in 2021 and the annual growth rate is estimated at 10,3% during the next 10 years.

Automation is the future of manufacturing since it will also expand beyond just physical machines into software programs and apps. These programs can perform complex tasks without any human involvement at all. They are designed to be used by anyone who needs them without any prior knowledge or training required from the user themselves; this makes them very user-friendly and easy to use if you have never used one before.

Important Trends Shaping Automation Industry

Automation is a growing industry, and it’s changing the way we work. As automation becomes more advanced and more common, the way we do things will continue to change. Here are some important trends shaping the automation industry today.

Industrial Internet of Things

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the network of machines, devices, and sensors that connect to each other and to software applications. IIoT is a fast-growing technology that’s shaping the manufacturing industry. From robots to 3D printing to wearables, it’s enabling companies to collect more data than ever before—and make smarter decisions based on it. Industrial IoT software suppliers are enabling companies to collect more data than ever before—and make smarter decisions based on it.

To get a sense of how IIoT works, think about your home Wi-Fi network: when you connect your laptop or smartphone to it, you can access the internet without being connected directly to an external server (like your router). The same thing happens with industrial equipment: when an object like a robot or an airplane connects to its factory’s network, it can communicate with other machines without having to go through a central server. These manufacturing industry trends make it much easier for companies to share data across their operations—and for customers who want access to those insights as well.

Importance of Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is the practice of using data to predict when equipment is likely to fail and schedule maintenance before it happens. Predictive maintenance is one of the most important trends shaping industrial automation technology. Predictive maintenance IoT helps companies to save money and reduce downtime. This means they can focus on growing their business and not just fixing problems as they crop up. It also means employees will have more time to focus on other things—like innovation and creativity—which can help your company stay competitive in today’s market. And finally, predictive maintenance is good for the environment: it reduces emissions and waste by eliminating unnecessary repair work and preventative maintenance procedures.

Cybersecurity Concerns

As automation becomes more prevalent in the business and consumer sectors, it’s important to keep security top of mind. Cybersecurity threats are growing in number and sophistication, so businesses need to be prepared for the risks that come with increased automation.

Businesses can protect themselves by building security into their systems from the beginning. This means paying attention to data privacy and being careful about how they use data in their products or services. It also means making sure they have strong measures in place to detect and respond to cyberattacks as soon as possible.

Collaborative Robotics

Collaborative robotics (Cobots) is the future of human-robot interaction that helps industries achieve greater effectiveness faster. A cobot is a robot that can work alongside human coworkers on the production or assembly line due to a wide range of safety features. 

There are many collaborative robot applications across all fields. These include assembly, dispensing, finishing, material handling, MIG welding, material removal, brazing, lathing, quality inspections, and more. For example, we talk about the welding process,  instead of spending weeks programming robots, it is better to program a collaborative robot in 20 minutes. 


Eisele Candace has 7 years of experience as a freelance technical writer, specializing in content related to IT technologies, programming, and UI/UX design. Holder of a Master’s degree in Journalism and Public Relations. She has also completed design and programming courses in  “UI / UX design”, iOS, and Python in Mansfield, OH.

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