
How To Start Your QA Training Online?

With a consistent demand for new workers and a reputation as one of the happiest jobs in the world, it’s no surprise that many people are interested in starting a career in QA testing. And today’s article is meant to make a transition into QA as straightforward as possible.

So keep on reading to find out the basics on how to start your QA training online today.

What is QA?

QA or Quality Assurance refers to the efforts taken to ensure software runs as intended and can perform its intended function. Or in simpler terms: QA means testing software.

Nowadays most companies in the world rely on dedicated and unique software to complete any of its functions, and that means that proper technological assurance is more important than ever. So QA is always in demand and always relevant in almost any field of work.

What does a QA engineer do?

A QA engineer is an individual who realizes a series of tests and benchmarks to ensure a system or application runs as intended. Do keep in mind though: A QA engineer is not a developer.

QA testers are not expected to make new software from scratch for the company that hired them: that’s on their development team. A QA tester instead works to test those existing systems and make sure they can withstand their intended workload. But testing is not in and of itself, development, and as such the required skills can be more easily learned.

Can these Skills be Learned Online?

Thanks to the advance of the internet, not only is it possible to learn anything one might need for a job in QA testing online: but it might also be your best option.

College degrees and other similar certifications take years, and in tech careers, the experience can often be more valuable than paper. So individuals able to pick up the skills at a fast pace and get practical experience ahead of time will be able to get a job even if their official qualifications aren’t as impressive.

So in short: You only need an online course to start your career, but it has to be a good one.

Where Should I Start?

If you are opting for online studies you’ll need both a high-quality course, as well as one that offers real experience and practice along the way. Because the lack of a professional degree will mean that real experience will matter so much more. Thankfully all of this is provided by Test Pro’s QA Manual Tester Bootcamp.

At the boot camp students get practical experience on real projects, which allows them to build a portfolio right off the gate. This coupled with the dedicated interview training means that most of the boot camp’s graduates get work on the field in less than 30 months. With salaries in the $35 to $50 per hour range.

Starting a career in QA testing isn’t necessarily hard, but it does require you to take advantage of the right courses and tools. So if you want to make a change in your career and become a QA tester, look no further than Test Pro’s course selection.


Which companies need QA testers?

Any company that will be developing or adapting software for its own needs. This of course includes media giants like Facebook, but also smaller companies like retailers or even certain health industries.

How much time does it take to become a QA tester?

Test Pro’s Bootcamp is designed to last 9 weeks and most students get a job in the field in less than 3 months. So it could take less than a semester to get started on this new career path.

What are the potential disadvantages of online education?

If anything it’d be the risk of acquiring theoretical knowledge with no real practice to back it up. Thankfully the boot camp completely avoids this issue.

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